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Teacher Spotlight May 2019

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

This month’s teacher spotlight is Rebecca Darling! Rebecca has been teaching in Tooele County for nine years. She has taught 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Rebecca recalls how teachers became her role models, and helped her feel worthy as she struggled with her home life. One teacher even bought groceries for her and her puppy! “I truly believe she saved my life” - Rebecca.

When it comes to teaching math, Rebecca hopes her students know that it is okay to make mistakes, because learning can be messy. She stresses the importance of the skills math can teach, such as problem solving, perseverance, and reasoning; because these skills can help them be successful in college and in their career.

In her spare time, Rebecca is an avid gamer! She also loves superheroes and Star Wars. Her students enjoy nerding out with her, and talking games and pop culture. Not to mention, Rebecca will soon be graduating with her Master’s in Mathematics Education! Congratulations Rebecca!

When asked what the most rewarding part of teaching is, Rebecca said “...sparking that interest in learning in those kids who were like me in school. The kids who don’t have a strong support system and need someone to care about them. You can see the change when a student finally believes that are worth it and that they can learn”.

On behalf of the Utah State Board of Education, we would like to thank Rebecca for her perseverance, willingness to connect with her students, and overall dedication to mathematics education.

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