Teacher Spotlight November 2019

This month’s teacher spotlight is Rachel Peterson! We are excited to highlight this teacher from Alpine who has been teaching for 10 years. Although teaching was not her first career, she has made an impact on those she works with, and received TWO nominations for this spotlight.

Her first nominator wrote “Rachel is an amazing teacher who cares about her students and their success. She has high expectations for her students and helps them achieve those expectations in any way possible. She keeps math fun with games and activities and she is an amazing leader of her curriculum team. She is a great example of what a high school math teacher should be!”

Her second nominator declared “Rachel is an integral part of the AFHS math department... She works with low level and high level students equally. She is always working to provide engaging learning experiences for students while differentiating to meeting their individual needs.” Wow!

As a teacher, Rachel feels the most important think about teaching math “is to help them gain confidence in their abilities and letting them see why math is so useful. I love making connections with kids and helping them navigate their crazy high school lives.” -Rachel

When she is not teaching, Rachel enjoys reading, hiking, camping, sewing, and traveling.

On behalf of the Utah State Board of Education, we would like to thank Rachel for making such an impression on the people she works with, and for helping her students make those important connections.
