Are Your Students Ready for the Quantile® Summer Math Challenge? FREE RESOURCES

Are Your Students Ready for the Quantile® Summer Math Challenge?

Did you know that on average students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade-level equivalency in math skills over the summer months? This year, as a result of COVID-19 and school closures, the loss of skills could be even greater.

To help remedy the summer math slide, MetaMetrics—an educational research group—offers the FREE Summer Math Challenge, a math skills maintenance program based on grade-level standards that help prepare students for college and careers. The program is targeted to students who have just completed first through eighth grades and is designed to help them retain math skills learned during the previous school year.

Ready to get started?

Free Resources for Summer Reading and Math!

With school closures due to COVID-19 and as the end of the school year approaches, the challenge of keeping students reading and practicing math over the warm summer months increases. Research has shown that students who do not read consistently and practice math skills over the summer months can lose momentum in maintaining the progress they made during the school year; this is known as “summer slide.” This year, as school closures continue to redefine our idea of summer, the loss could be even greater.

In collaboration with schools, public libraries, and state and local agencies, we encourage children and families to read and maintain math skills throughout the summer. To support this initiative, MetaMetrics—an educational research group—has put together a number of free, research-based resources to help our students and families prevent the summer slide in both reading and math. Ready to get started? It’s easy. Find more information about these resources at the link below.
